Monday, April 4, 2011

Are higher gas prices influencing your search criteria?

With soaring prices at the gas pump, the appeal of walkable neighborhoods will certainly get an extra boost this year. Builders, non-profit organizations, and city governments have been working to slow urban sprawl for years and as a result, lots of live/work/play and higher-density communities have been developed or revitalized throughout the country. That iconic image of the American home - with its picket fence and big backyard - will continue to represent the ideal. But as prospective homebuyers contemplate - with great dread - their next trip to the gas pump , it's safe to say, they won't only be thinking about the school district and work commute. They will be counting the miles to their favorite grocery, retail, parks, and entertainment. So even if walking is not always possible, at least they won't have to visit the gas pump too often. Do you know how walkable your neighborhood is? Visit and find out. It's a great site to see what your neighborhood has to offer or help you find the one that's just right for you.

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