Thursday, January 8, 2009

It’s 2009! I Believe I’ll Go Paperless This Year!

It was sometime during 2007 when I first "resolved" to run a paperless office. Now, this latest declaration for 2009 is not some renewed effort at a previously failed attempt! I've actually been generating less and less paper in my office since I set out on this mission. Just how paperless it could become, however, was up for debate. Nonetheless, I was convinced the potential was there thanks to my husband, the technology consultant, who is on a never-ending quest to keep me streamlined, fit, and efficient.

It all started when he noticed my printing habits - bad printing habits - like stuffing folders with printouts just because the screen told me to “print this for your records”. “Nandi, what are you doing?” he would groan. “Just convert it to a .pdf file and save it on the computer.” This inevitably lead to a crash course in how to save, file, and manage documents in a computer-based format wherever possible. “You should go paperless,” he declared. It was a damn good idea. And that is how this mission was born.

For Christmas that year, he got me a tablet notebotablet notebook 2ok – a Fujitsu T2010 Lifebook. Wow!! I could now use an electronic pen to write directly onto my notebook screen. This gave me a way to eliminate the practice of printing out contracts, collecting signatures, and then scanning all of those pages back into the computer. Now, buyers could sign documents directly onto my notebook! It was a major step forward for me. But still, I continued to fight with my paper “problem”.

The problem I’ve struggled with the longest was my Buyer Showing Packet. I liked the idea of offering something concrete, in-hand, that my buyers could take away with them from a showing appointment. At its most cumbersome, my showing packet included a brochure, an informative article, property information sheets along with all of the accompanying photos, and my very own feedback/ranking form for every home. In Color. Whenever I would have a really full showing appointment, where as many as eight homes were toured, I would have to print out about 26 pages for my showing packet. Ouch! The poor trees!

My showing packet has taken many forms and I’ve managed to whittle it down tremendously over the years. But as you can see, I’ve struggled with balancing my paper output with the perceived need to provide my buyers with a showing packet because, let’s face it. Without it, I felt like an empty-handed party guest.

But, good news! My husband-slash-tech-consultant just introduced me to a really cool piece of software called Microsoft OneNote. This program is going to the umbrella application, the key component, the ultimate solution to my paper problems. I don’t believe there will be any more room for debate. I believe I’ll go paperless this year! And yesterday’s showing appointment was just the proof I needed.

Yesterday, I met with clients of mine to tour four homes. They just relocated here from another country. We’ve been collaborating online for several months and were very happy to see one another again and get our second showing appointment underway. I was using my new paperless “system” (i.e. my tablet notebook + Microsoft OneNote) in the field for the first time so I didn’t bring a showing packet with me. I was committed that, for this appointment, all of the property information we would need and any feedback we would generate will remain entirely computer-based. To do that, I imported all of the MLS property information to Microsoft OneNote, effectively creating my very first digital showing packet.

tablet notebook 1As we went through each house, I would make digital handwritten notes onto the the MLS property information screen on my tablet notebook. If I were using paper printouts, I would have had to thumb through, organize, and file the paperwork after the appointment. Not any more! This time, everything was automatically saved AND searchable within Microsoft OneNote. Are you kidding me!!! I LOVE this application! And I was not the only one who was impressed.

When I explained to my clients my goal for this year, they were very pleased with the idea. “Save a tree…or two!” they said. My clients were so tickled to see my paperless “system” at work (they, too, are in the market for a tablet notebook). I’ve earned a ton of extra cool-points with them. “I already thought highly of you but now…!” one told me. So, yes. I believe I am so over my need to provide a Buyer Showing Packet. Showing packet? What showing packet?!

I’m feeling very energized about the tech-savvy/eco-friendly upgrades I am embarking on this year. Only a few minor hurdles remain. Mostly, I need to get more familiar with Microsoft OneNote and get more accustomed to this new way of managing all of my data. I’ll certainly continue to share how things are progressing with my quest to achieve a truly paperless office. I’ll have more progress reports for you, so check in with me from time to time. Well…back to software training I go!

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