Monday, November 17, 2008

President-Elect Obama's Interview on 60 Minutes

President-Elect Obama sat down with Steve Kroft for his first interview since November 4th. The interview covered a wide range of topics - from politics to family, and of course the transition to life in the White House. Michelle Obama joined her husband for the latter part of the conversation and the playful banter between the two made for quite a charming interview.

When asked about where his focus rests as he prepares to take office, Obama raised the issue of the foreclosure crisis and how it was being managed. He stated that "if we don't have a clear focused program for homeowners by the time I take office, we will after I take office". While housing (and the economy) has always been at the top of his executive to-do list, I was reassured that this issue remains at the forefront.

The way I see it, addressing the foreclosure crisis in a prompt and meaningful way is necessary for both homeowners and homebuyer's alike. We must stabilize neighborhoods as quickly as possible. Homebuyers need to have confidence in knowledge that their investment will not be adversely affected by an over-abundance of foreclosure and for rent signs sprouting up on lawns across the neighborhood. In case you missed it, go to CBS News-60 Minutes to see video and transcripts from the interview.

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